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Arizer Hints & Tips: Temperature Recommendations

Arizer Dry Herb Vaporizers will give you light sips or super big rips depending on the temperature settings you choose. Precise temperature control is achieved with our advanced ceramic heating technology, so you can target the density of vapor, as well as, specific terpenes and compounds. Here are some tips to enjoy the kind of vapor you prefer. Make sure to use Arizer’s Volatilization Chart to pick a vaporizer perfect for you.


Preset Temperatures

All of our dry herb vaporizers remember the last setting when powered off, so you are right back where you were when you start your next session. Many Models have preset temperatures (some programmable), so you can easily access your favourite settings or temperature step through your sessions.


Temperature Stepping

Temperature stepping is when you start at a lower temperature, then increase the temperature during the course of a single session. This technique allows you to experience different terpene profiles and vapor densities, while fully extracting your herb by the end of the session. Make sure to set the Auto Off feature to a longer period, so you have time to enjoy each “step”.